Excellent training to help your colleagues understand challenging behaviour, violence and aggression and how to react properly and safely.
Course Description Syllabus Care Certificate Related courses
About the course
Produced in direct response to the needs of health and social care providers seeking clear, comprehensive, relevant and easy to use training in this subject.
Who is this course for
Ideal for induction, refresher training, management training and vocational training.
What does the course cover?
Behavioural disorders
Fear and anger
Violence and aggression
Effects of challenging behaviour
Risk assessment
Incident prevention
The grinding down effect of challenging behaviour
Risk reduction
Flash points
Physical threats
Disaster! The situation has, “kicked off”
Warning signs
Verbal warning signs
Non verbal warning signs
Escalation of a problem
Defusing a situation
Body language
Breakaway techniques
Reasonable force
Nothing is going to stop the problem – what to do?